Beautiful L’Anse a Beaufils

We stayed for three days in this beautiful harbour, maintaining the engine (replaced both fuel filters, removing problem of presence of air in the fuel system), hiking and biking around, grocery shopping, socializing with sailors. There is a famous restaurant with a musical program on one side and a microbrewery with a small restaurant where you can try freshly brewed beer and taste local fishery delicacies. In addition, right from the marina, there are trails along the river and into the mountains, where you can pick tasty mushrooms. One of the places where, by coincidence or fate, you meet new friends who want to help you and are able to hear about your project. Thanks, Bruno and Dominique, for your help and attention to our project Sail for Science.

Ready for the biking trip
Crossing the river by bridge
Crossing the river by feet and weels
Crossing the river in a suspended cart
L’Anse a Beaufils River
Docked in the harbour with Bonaventura Island in background
Sustainable roofing
Yellow and blue favorite colors, our hearts with Ukraine!
Biking along Highway 132 with photo ups:)
The old house near the shore with a view of Bonaventura Island
Cap d’Expoir Lighthouse
Cap d’Expoir
Northern Gannet on the fly
Northern Gannet gliding on the wings
Biking shadows:)
With Bruno and Dominique near his AstroCat
With Bruno in his self-build Tiguidou (nice name, means Allright, sounds great)
Inspecting the engine with Bruno
Cheers! with Bruno and Glen
Pit Caribou microbrewery
Warm talks with Jean-Michel and his friend at the fire pit
Demonstrating CTD at work to the harbourmaster Dominique
Plot of data from CTD cast in the L’Anse a Beaufils at high tide. Generally say, a good state of the environment in the harbour with normal oxygen saturation and Chl a and fDOM concentrations. The backscatter’s transparency is higher due to the river water flow into the harbour.

Leaving the L’Anse a Beaufils
Bruno’s Tiguidou is leaving the harbour with us
Good Luck, Bruno!
Oceanolog sailing away from Bruno’s point of view