We are not big fans of renaming, but it so happened that together with the registration of our sailboat, we had the opportunity to change her name to a more suitable one for our project “Sail for Science”. With respect to the glorious history of the Spallpeen, the old name was very attached to the personality of the previous owner Sean Johnston and his Irish roots. We decided to choose a unique name that would reflect both our personalities and the goals of our project – recording the ocean data. Many years ago, we chose the profession of Oceanologists, which in Ukrainian sounds “okeanolog“, and it was our youth’s dream to do ocean research on our own sailing vessel. At the same time, Oceano-log could also mean recording (log) the state of the Oceans – this is what we are planning to do on our boat with project “Sail for Science”

The first step was removing the old name on the hull and sticking the new one, which was sometimes not easy, but we managed it! It happened on Canada Day, so, Happy Canada Day and Happy New Name!