Los Testidos Islands (Witness Islands) are located far from the Windward Islands and Trinidad, making them very tempting for lovers of secluded anchorages to visit. We anchored in South Observation Bay, which was remarkable for us. The archipelago includes 6 islands, inhabited by a population of two hundred fishermen and a coast guard garrison. The Coast Guard did not fail to visit us immediately and conduct a detailed inspection of the boat. Not finding anything prohibited for import, they wished us a pleasant pastime during the permitted 48 hours, which we took advantage of. The uniqueness of the island of Grand Testidos is made by a huge mountainous sand dune, thrown across the island and filling the entire underwater coast with sand – this makes the water near the coast look azure, again reminding us of the waters of the Bahamas. We walked along this sand mountain from shore to shore, coming out to the windward side of the Caribbean Sea. It seems that the constant and strong easterly winds simply throw the sand from one side to the other. It was a great disappointment to see masses of plastic bottles brought here by the Caribbean current from the Windward Islands – is this not evidence of the harmfulness of using plastic bottles? The Witness Islands have witnessed plastic madness, probably, instead, it would like to witness human intelligence. Kill plastic before it kills you!