The Christening ceremony of our sailboat took place on July, 2nd in the Crysler Park Marina with the presence of our family and friends. Following the tradition, we remembered the glorious past of this yacht, which circumnavigated the world in the 1980s-90s under the skipper Sean Johnston. Also following the tradition, I had to drown a piece of the sailboat’s name artifact that remained on board – we found only a ceramic plaque with a mule riding spallpeen. Goodbye, Spallpeen!
Because seawater is our subject to study, during the Christening ceremony instead of a bottle of Champagne we decided to break a bottle of Standard Seawater, aged for 21 years (as long, as I worked at RBR). Iryna performed this operation flawlessly, sprinkling the bow of our sailboat with real standard seawater from the first attempt! After that, I uncorked a bottle of our homemade red wine with the “Sail for Science” label and shared it with Poseidon, Neptune, Nymphs, Mermaids, and our friends and family. The kids got a fuzzy-bubbly kombucha.
Cheers! Godspeed OCEANOLOG, Fair Winds and Following Seas!