
After another 47-mile passage under the foresail from Matane, we anchored at the Sainte-Anne-des-Monts village. One of the advantages of this place is the possibility of hiking in the nearby mountains, which we took advantage of by following the route along the river to the top of the hill, where a beautiful view of the village and the bay opened up. Also in the village, there are many wooden driftwood sculptures, artisan shops and beautiful beaches. Now we’re standing here, waiting out the stormy weather and working on the boat.

Matane Lighthouse
Approaching Cap-Chat’s windmills
Built in the mid-1980s, Éole is the tallest vertical-axis wind turbine in the world. Shut down in 1993, it no longer produces electricity and is accessible to tourists – we’ve been atop the turbine during our Gaspe trip.
Cap-Chat Lighthouse
Our anchorage spot in the Sainte-Anne-des-Monts
We all live in the Yellow Submarine!
Giant mackerel – the catch of the day in the village
Some of the driftwood sculptures
Entry to an Artisan shop
Narwal and Oceanolog
Boardwalk along the shore
Saint-Anne River
Hiking in the woods
The river is a place of salmon run, during the season which would be a spectacular event.
Watching for salmon on a bridge – too early!
Indian Pipes
View from the top of the hill – our boat just behind the church (seen only a top of the mast!)

Anchored under the anchor

Ready for CTD cast
CTD cast at anchorage during low tide
CTD cast at anchorage during high tide

Passage under the foresail to Matane

After 55-miles passage under the foresail from Rimouski, we anchored at sunset in the sheltered bay at Matane. The wind was good, just following our course, so we did up to 8knots on the only foresail! Having a center cockpit with a high hull on the SV Oceanolog showed the advantages of this design in breezy weather, we haven’t got wet yet!

Pointe-au-Père Lighthouse and Onondaga submarine
Fishing boat fights against the waves
Marking buoy at the wreck of the cruise ship “Empress of Ireland”, which tragically sank in 1914, claiming more than a thousand lives.
Iryna is keeping the wheel steady navigating under the foresail
Following our course west wind helps to sail only with the foresail.
A village on the shore – windmills are coming up!
Waves and sun
Sunset with calming waves.
Looking for the anchoring spot with the big ferry approaching the port
CTD cast on the Matane anchorage at low tide


Rimouski is a port in the St.Lawrence Estuary, the scientific and cultural center of Eastern Quebec. The modern and spacious marina welcomed us after short sailing from the BIC.

Folding bikes are essential for discovering new places and grocery shopping
Big boats in the big marina
RV Coriolis II just back home from the survey, unfortunately, no scientific staff were onboard.
Low-tide exposed rocks
Intertidal zone
Busy downtown
Public bathtub:)
Rushing back to marina before the rain starts
Full rainbow – for our luck!
CTD cast in Rade De Rimouski