There was also a pleasant meeting on the Cabot Trail, when, after photographing the garage window with the boat, the owner appeared at the door and invited us to his place. Carl Donovan, a former fisherman, spends his free time as a retiree making various crafts from wood and giving them to his friends and neighbours – we saw some of them at houses along the Cabot Trail. We got to talking, we told him who we are and where we are from, about our plans, he showed us his crafts, an old photo of a giant swordfish that he caught in local waters many years ago, shared memories of the past (his wife died 5 years ago), and also showed us the ashes of his two beloved dogs, which he planned to take with him to another world… well, as a farewell gift he gave us an anchor, which we hung in the main cabin, attaching our ship’s bell to it. Thank you, Carl, and long life to you!