Sailing to the end of the Lake

Another day of the passage under the sail along the Lake of Bras d’Or – the wind was coming stronger up to 20-25 knots, so we had to go on 2 reefs of the main sail and half-furled jib. The main reason for the folded jib – in one place it began to break at the seams and to maintain the sail from further rupture, we decided to half furle it. Our port of call was St. Peter’s – the last marina at the southern exit from the lake, connected to the ocean by the historical St. Peter’s Canal.

Sunrise in the Big Harbour
Morning shadow of the man in duty
CTD cast in the Big Harbour
Plot of CTD data
Flock of mergansers
Fresh wind
A breaking wave
Heading South
Handleys Island
St.Peter’s Lions marina showing up
Docking in the St. Peter’s Lions Marina