Picton – hidden gem of Lake Ontario

Picton is a small town located in Prince Edward County on the shore of a narrow Picton bay far from the main cruising routes. The quiet life of this town, famous for its excellent apple cider, and a few tourists and boaters in the newly renovated marina, make your stay here fabulous.

We are sailing (almost)!

The expedition on Lake Ontario continues! On the way from Kerr Bay to Picton, with a wind speed of up to 20 knots, we tried to set the jib, but unfortunately, we tore the sail. Ahead of us there is a marina in Picton and work with the sewing of the sail.

More data from the Maestro!

The use of the multichannel RBRmaestro for profiling in Kerr Bay allowed us to obtain fairly complete data set of the Physico-chemical parameters of the waters of the bay. Here is a plot of these measured parameters (Temperature, Specific conductance, pH, Dissolved oxygen, turbidity, Chl a):