Heading to the Bras d’Or Lake

On the last day of our stay in Ingonish Harbor, we decided to try our luck and climb the nearby mountain, where, according to the advertisement, the best view of the surrounding area opens. The morning was promising, but when we rose to the level of the cable car, fog began to descend to the top of the mountain, covering all horizons in a couple of minutes. We were still lucky enough to see the surrounding area from a bird’s eye view. Afterwards. we went down to our boat and set sail from Ingonish, heading for Bras d’Or Lake , where we are going to wait out Hurricane Lee approaching Nova Scotia.

Sunny Morning
The Bay, as we saw it.
In a few minutes, all views disappeared
Goodbye, Ingonish!
Misty sailing
A fog-covered shoreline
Goodbye, Cape Smokey!