.Ahoy, the Ocean City saga unfolds – Maryland edition! Our plot thickens as we aim for a rendezvous with our old friend Gennady Chepurin, now a Research Scientist-Oceanographer at the University of Maryland. Yet, our nautical path takes an unexpected turn – a grounding near buoy No. 13, adding a touch of maritime superstition to our tale. Following the fairway marked by buoys, we found ourselves gently acquainted with the sea floor. Cue the entrance of BoatUS, summoned by my membership, rescuing us swiftly. The towboat captain claimed we were a couple of feet away from the good depths. Proof that even with navigation buoy markings, the sea can still play tricks. At Sunset Marina, as the sun painted the sky in hues of orange, we met with Gennady – old friends meeting on the shores of Ocean City. Revisions to our provisions, a stroll on the Ocean City Boardwalk, and dinner in the marina’s restaurant – an evening etched in maritime camaraderie. Thank you, Gena, for coming, it felt so good to see you!
The following morning, fulfilled with the results of our CTD cast, we set sail on a 110-mile odyssey to Norfolk, eager for the next chapter on the open sea.