Visiting WHOI

Setting out in the morning for Newport, we soon realized that our path lay not far from Woods Hole. It would be unforgivable not to stop by the center of oceanographic science on the East coast of the United States – Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute. It was at the end of the working day on Friday, when we docked to the WHOI pier, so not many colleagues were able to see, but with those who were at the pier we had good conversations both about our project and the RBR instruments.

Arriving in Woods Hole – R/V Neil Armstrong docked in its home port
Docked in the WHOI pier
Holding REMUS
With ROV Sentry
With Neptune
Old ALVIN’s cabin
In the old ALVIN’s cabin
WHOI campus
Old trees in the WHOI campus
Nobska Point
Nobska Point Lighthouse in Christmas decoration
Falmouth House
Falmouth Main street in Christmas decorations
Santa arriving!
Mayflower 400 Autonomous Ship
Collapsed under pressure Ti-housing
Tank for testing floats
CTD cast at WHOI pier
A plot of CTD cast data
Cast off
Goodbye, WHOI!
Nobska Point Lighthouse from the sea