Bald Head Island

As I already said, lighthouses attract us, even if it means making a detour from the route. This time we decided to visit the oldest of North Carolina’s lighthouses, Bald Head Island Lighthouse, first lit in 1817. As its name suggests, the lighthouse is located on Bald Head Island, part of Cape Fear. The island itself is unique – besides the lighthouse, there are numerous cottages on it, which are a favourite vacation spot for many who come here by ferry. There are no petrol cars on the island and only converted golf carts and bicycles serve as means of transportation. Despite the rainy weather and the lighthouse being closed to the public, we were able to enjoy the beauty of this island – its completely southern-looking trees, sandy beach with dunes, historical artifacts and green lifestyle.

A full rainbow in the ocean!
Oak Island Lighthouse, built in 1958, is 47m tall and replaced the old Cape Fear Lighthouse.
Approaching the Bald Head Island
Entry to the inlet in the inner harbour
Docked in the Bald Head Island Marina
Cautions near the dock, who wants to swim with alligators?:)
Christmas fun
The board road through the marshes
Spanish moss hanging from live oak tree
Unfortunately, the Museum and Lighthouse were closed
Bald Head Lighthouse, known as Old Baldy, completed in 1817, is the oldest lighthouse still standing in North Carolina. The octagonal brick tower is coated with stucco and stands 34 m high,
 A stone plaque above the entrance identifies the builder as Daniel S. Way, and the foundry for the lantern room as R. Cochran
Looks like a real tropical forest
Cottages all around the Island
Bald Head Island is nationally recognized for its sea turtle nesting activity.
Dunes and the Lighthouse
It is accessible only by ferry from the nearby town of Southport
Ф new group of vacationers has arrived, they are being transported to cottages in electric vehicles with passenger trailers
Residents drive modified electric golf carts
Golf carts can be rented by visitors
And plenty of bikes for rent too!
There is free internet on the island, but old-fashioned communication is also available
Direction sign
Illuminated Oceanolog
Goodbye, Bald Head Island!
CTD cast near Bald Head Island
A plot of CTD cast data – a very dynamic salinity range (28g/kg at the surface to 33g/kg at the bottom), low light transmission (backscatter attenuation range (0.04-0.05)m-1) and high concentration of organic matter (35ppb at surface to 15ppb at the bottom), sourced by the Cape Fear River, which estuary is here.